1) Banner Ads:
Banner ads are located at the top center of each web page as highlighted in red above. You
just have to select one or more search engine sections where you want to place your ad.
Monthly Pricing:
Our pricing includes unlimited impressions of your banner giving you the most
effective and productive method to get unlimited traffic from our site during the contracted
time period. Our site has thousands of page views per month which guarantees
a great performance for your banner ad for a very small price. The pricing depends
on the section or sections you choose as explained below.
-%DIRNAME% Home Page(Location): %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerHome% -Active Realtime Channels: Stocks(Location): %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerStocks%, Headline News(Location): %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerNews%, or Sport News(Location): %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerSports% -Add a Resource Home Page(Location)
-includes all Add Pages and Add Confirmation Pages
: %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerAddSite% -Free Newsletter Home Page(Location)
-includes also Subscription Confirmation Pages
: %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerNewsletter% -Top Links Home Page(Location): %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerTopLinks% -Rate a Site Pages
(Location -sample voting)
-includes also View Ratings, Vote Confirmation and Remote Voting Pages via thousands of websites
: %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerRateSite% -Search Results Pages for all searches
(Location -sample search for word "product")
-includes searches for any word or phrase
, plus Search Home Page(Location): %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerSearch% -Any of the Main Categories(Location -sample category): %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerCategory% -Any of the Subcategories: only %CurrencySymbol%%PriceBannerSubCategory%
The ads will start running the first day of the month you choose in your order and will continue running until
the end of the contracted period. We recommend to order the banner space as soon as possible before it
is contracted by another advertiser.
Banner size: width- 468 height- 60. Banner Format: GIF or JPG
2) Small Banner Ads:
Small Banner Ads are located at the top right hand corner of each web page as highlighted in red above.
As with the regular banner ads above you just have to select one or more search engine sections where
you want to place your ad.
Monthly Pricing:
Small Banner Ads are one of our advertisers favorite purchases and have excellent results. We recommend to order the banner space as soon as possible before it
is contracted by another advertiser.
Banner size: width- 125 height- 60. Banner Format: GIF or JPG
3) Company Listing with Reserved Keywords:
It is no secret that most of the search engine visitors find what they are looking for by performing a
search on any given keyword or phrase. By contracting this option we will place your Company Listing
including a Title, Description and Logo at the top of the search results when any user
searches for any of up to 15 keywords or phrases that you choose. Additionally your web site will also be
listed on the top positions for the Category you choose.
So lets say you contract the following keywords: 'luxury cars, Ferraris, Mercedes, Audi, sport, racing,
jaguar parts, autos, buy, new, engines, and great dealers' and additionally you choose the Category Business.
Any time a visitor performs a search for any combination of your contracted keywords like for example:
luxury, ferrari, audi cars, mercedes dealers, auto parts, new autos, buy jaguar or any other combination of
your selected words your listing will appear highlighted at the very top of the search results! At the same
time when a user browses through the Category Business your web site will be featured at the top of the
listings for that category.
This is a great way to drive targeted traffic to your web site.
-Search Keywords: up to 15.
-Featured Categories: 1.
Monthly Pricing:
Our pricing includes unlimited impressions of your company listing always at the top of the search results
giving you the most effective and productive method to get unlimited traffic from our site during the
contracted time period. Our site has thousands of page views per month which
guarantees a great performance for your listing for a very small price.
-Package of 15 Keywords
(See a sample search for word "dealer") and one Category(Location -sample Category) only %CurrencySymbol%%PriceFeaturedListing%
The ads will start running the first day of the month you choose in your order and will continue running
until the end of the contracted period. We recommend to order the keywords as soon as possible before they
are contracted by another advertiser. If you make a reservation for a very popular keyword you will start
getting tons of traffic for a very low price. Please note that we do not accept more than one advertiser per
keyword or phrase.
Maximum Logo size: width- 134 height- 60. Banner Format: GIF or JPG
4) Newsletter and Submission confirmation Email Ads:
%DIRNAME% sends a Monthly Newsletter in text format to its thousands of email opt-in subscribers.
The Newsletter has two advertising slots available for Sponsors. One is located just at the beginning of
the Newsletter and the other one on the middle.
Additionally the search engine automatically responds to all submission forms and requests sent through
the web as well as sending a confirmation email when a web site has been finally accepted by our editors.
If you have submitted your web site to %DIRNAME% you should be familiar with the confirmation emails sent
by our engine that our users appreciate so much since it confirms the data that was entered including the
web site address, title, description and also the user selected keywords. The search engine receives
hundreds of submission form applications through the web every day which means it effectively sends
thousands successful submission confirmations emails on a monthly basis. The successful
submission confirmation email also has available the same two advertising slots as the Newsletter reserved
to the same two Sponsors where you can include a message of 300 characters plus a link to your web page
which gives you the power to advertise to thousands of users every month through email campaigns, a
sure bet to increase the traffic to your web page!
Monthly Pricing: -Sponsor for Newsletter and Submission confirmation
Email, Top Section: : %CurrencySymbol%%PriceNewsletterTop% -Sponsor for Newsletter and Submission confirmation
Email, Middle Section: : %CurrencySymbol%%PriceNewsletterMiddle%
Format: text with maximum number of 300 characters plus link to your web site.
To start this email campaign just enter the text of your ad on the order form and indicate the start date
and the number of months to order.
Remember that you can combine several banner and/or email campaign at the same time as you wish.
You will receive your advertising space reservation as soon as we receive your payment. We also accept payment via wire transfers and money orders (for these options the
advertising reservation will not take place until we receive your payment). For more information on payments
by wire transfer or by money order email us at
To purchase using your credit card and reserve your advertising space right away just select your desired space and click on the Add to Cart button.
For any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us at